BC Wild
Albacore Tuna
Sockeye Salmon
BC Wild Albacore tuna and BC wild salmon for sale - canned


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Baked Tuna
Seared Tuna
Barbecued Tuna
Spicy Tuna Rolls
Wasabi Mayo
Dipping Sauce
Tuna Balls

Salmon Recipes


Easy to prepare
Eat cooked or raw
No waste
Always ready
Consistent supply
Green choice
High in Omega 3
Sustainable fishery
Buy from fisherman


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Estevan Tuna
Products were once
available in Victoria
at The Market on
Yates and The
Market on
Millstream stores,
but not now due to
low 2016 catches.

Tuna Report 2017

Albacore Tuna fishing on MV Estevan 2017 update

Last year (2016), fishing started in early June, and slowed down a lot in August. Most of us got our boats ready and earlier than usual, hoping to catch last year's fish. This seldom happens but we are always optimistic. For 2017 the fish seemed to be in the usual spots. In June and July there was not too much wind to hamper efforts, just a lot nicer to roam around, catch was just OK, but not great. In August fishing really dropped off the fish had moved farther offshore and more to the South.

We fish mostly 60-100 miles offshore, so with slow catches, we roamed out to 180 miles offshore and mid Oregon, boats moved out even farther and farther, 200 to 1500 miles offshore, some were lucky as this trend continued right through September till the season just petered out, and the weather became rough.

One good thing was fish size average weight was up a pound or two. With poor over all landings, the wholesale prices ended at $ 4.40/lb. In 2015 the last good year price was $1.40 to $1.80. The statistics are not all in yet but from an average of 16-18 thousand tons, this year may be 6-8 thousand tons. This is from the whole Pacific North West, USA and Canada. With especially poor catches in B.C., Washington was poor as well, and Washington was best area in 2015. In 2016 there was not much bait or feed sighted, 2017 had the most life for feed, etc. I have ever seen.

All Good, but he fish didn't arrive in large numbers, every day was very erratic, on the way to Astoria travelled for 80 miles through finning anchovy schools, not one Tuna caught some times nothing caught till the last hours of the day, then another story the next day. We went into Astoria twice for fuel and repairs, and once to Newport for fuel, used a lot of it.

My high point of the year was having the best seat in the house to view the Eclipse, we were out 180 miles off Newport Oregon, went very dark for few seconds, then blindingly bright ,doubt I will ever see an event like this again, glad to get off that boat and get home.

Next year will be different again, hope those fish stay on the route to North America.

From the crew of MV Estevan,

Chance, Rex, and Bruce .

Tuna Report 2016

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Estevan Tuna Corporation
4098 Gartley Point Road
Courtenay, British Columbia 
V9N 9T2 Canada

Pacific Website design

Tuna fishing in the Estevan cockpit.
Pulling tuna out on the Pacific Ocean

Frozen tuna in fish hold.
Frozen Tuna in the fish boat Estevan

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